Sökningen fann 3 träffar

av Alex Lutz
15 jun 2020, 07:58
Kategori: Svenskt Flyghistoriskt Forum - allmän del
Tråd: J35F F16
Svar: 4
Visningar: 4074

Re: J35F F16

A big thank you to you Mats for the quick answer to my Question!

av Alex Lutz
13 jun 2020, 17:01
Kategori: Svenskt Flyghistoriskt Forum - allmän del
Tråd: J35F F16
Svar: 4
Visningar: 4074

Re: J35F F16

many thanks for your quick reply Sven-Erik

av Alex Lutz
13 jun 2020, 10:44
Kategori: Svenskt Flyghistoriskt Forum - allmän del
Tråd: J35F F16
Svar: 4
Visningar: 4074

J35F F16

Hej! sorry for writing in English, but my Swedish is too bad! I am a new member to this forum. I live in southern Germany and I am a aviation historian and spotter since the early 1980ies. I have a special question concerning two Draken aircraft used by F16 in 1986: In my slide collection I have two ...

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