Svenskt utlandsbesök med F 20 ?
Moderator: Sven-Erik Jönsson
- Inlägg: 30
- Blev medlem: 24 feb 2008, 19:02
Svenskt utlandsbesök med F 20 ?
Fann i en mycket gammal gömma några foton jag gärna skulle vilja ha placerade i tid och plats!
Den svenske översten är Sven-Olof Olson, som under åren 1967-73 var chef för F 20 resp. F 16. Senare CFV 1982-88. Men vilka är mottgarna av J 29 modellen och vilka är de övriga svenska officerarna?
Ola Laveson
- Inlägg: 351
- Blev medlem: 24 feb 2008, 18:50
- Ort: Schweiz
Re: Svenskt utlandsbesök med F 20 ?
Ingen aning vilka grabbarna är, men den här historien kunde kanske passa in på den visade Tunnan...
With the H.A.M from May 1972 to May 1983*
The Saab J29 or ‘Flygande Tunnan’ (Flying Barrel) was a first generation jet fighter that entered service with the Swedish Flygvapnet (Air Force) in 1950. Produced in greater numbers than any other indigenous, Swedish jet aircraft, they continued to serve long after its replacement, the Saab Draken had been introduced. H.A.M’s J29 began life in June 1958 and was passed on to F 4 at Frösön, Östersund during September of the same year. She eventually found herself at the F 20 Flygvapnetskadetskola (Air Force Cadets School) in Uppsala training budding air force pilots before being sent to the UK on loan to the BHAM by the Swedish Air Force.
Flying into SEN on June 13th 1967, she did several circuits of the airport before landing and became part of the museum collection on the Eastern Perimeter. However, during this time her drop tanks were stolen, although they were eventually recovered and kept in storage to prevent a recurrence of this theft. She was eventually moved over to the new compound in 1970 and on completion of the museum building, she was moved to her final resting place in ‘Fighter Row’ where she was finally reunited with her tanks. With the museum’s closure she was donated by the Swedish Flygvapnet to the Midlands Air Museum in Coventry, moving there in April 1985 and has since been restored and placed on internal display where she remains to this very day." ... 9f-tunnan/
Påskhälsningar Hans K
With the H.A.M from May 1972 to May 1983*
The Saab J29 or ‘Flygande Tunnan’ (Flying Barrel) was a first generation jet fighter that entered service with the Swedish Flygvapnet (Air Force) in 1950. Produced in greater numbers than any other indigenous, Swedish jet aircraft, they continued to serve long after its replacement, the Saab Draken had been introduced. H.A.M’s J29 began life in June 1958 and was passed on to F 4 at Frösön, Östersund during September of the same year. She eventually found herself at the F 20 Flygvapnetskadetskola (Air Force Cadets School) in Uppsala training budding air force pilots before being sent to the UK on loan to the BHAM by the Swedish Air Force.
Flying into SEN on June 13th 1967, she did several circuits of the airport before landing and became part of the museum collection on the Eastern Perimeter. However, during this time her drop tanks were stolen, although they were eventually recovered and kept in storage to prevent a recurrence of this theft. She was eventually moved over to the new compound in 1970 and on completion of the museum building, she was moved to her final resting place in ‘Fighter Row’ where she was finally reunited with her tanks. With the museum’s closure she was donated by the Swedish Flygvapnet to the Midlands Air Museum in Coventry, moving there in April 1985 and has since been restored and placed on internal display where she remains to this very day." ... 9f-tunnan/
Påskhälsningar Hans K
Re: Svenskt utlandsbesök med F 20 ?
OBS Tore 08 var/ är 29640----(Inte 29604 )
29640 med motor och ebk har i komplett skick överlämnats den 13.6.67 som gåva till The British Historic Aircraft Museum vid Southend Airport, England, enl Kungl Maj:t bifallande av den 12.5.67 och skr FF/FL M58-29:15/67. ... 761#p29797
29640 med motor och ebk har i komplett skick överlämnats den 13.6.67 som gåva till The British Historic Aircraft Museum vid Southend Airport, England, enl Kungl Maj:t bifallande av den 12.5.67 och skr FF/FL M58-29:15/67. ... 761#p29797
- Inlägg: 30
- Blev medlem: 24 feb 2008, 19:02
Re: Svenskt utlandsbesök med F 20 ?
Tack, Hans!
Benägen att tro att du har rätt beträffande Southend Airport och "leveransen" av Tunnan från F 20. Tidpunkten och den stora delegationen? Sven-Olof Olson kom troligen inte till F 20 förrän den 1 oktober 1967.
Öppen för fler tips och förslag!
Benägen att tro att du har rätt beträffande Southend Airport och "leveransen" av Tunnan från F 20. Tidpunkten och den stora delegationen? Sven-Olof Olson kom troligen inte till F 20 förrän den 1 oktober 1967.
Öppen för fler tips och förslag!
Re: Svenskt utlandsbesök med F 20 ?
3:je bilden finns här::(sid 18), med namn! ... 1967-4.pdf ... 1967-4.pdf
- Inlägg: 30
- Blev medlem: 24 feb 2008, 19:02
Re: Svenskt utlandsbesök med F 20 ?
Suveränt, Bengt!
Tack för klarläggandena och tipset om FVNytt!
Tack för klarläggandena och tipset om FVNytt!