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Does anyone know Curt Hansson?

Postat: 21 apr 2008, 13:34
av Erik Johansson
I have lost the contact with my old Internord friend Captain Kurt Hansson. Is there anyone out there who knows where he is? He used to live in Akeshov not far from Bromma if I remember correctly.

As a new member of this forum I assume that the old timers wonders who this Erik Johansson is. I have a very shady background. I worked for many years at Bromma Airport with equally suspect individuals such as 'Flygets gossen ruda' Gote Rosen, God bless his sould, and Captain Marian Kozubski. I understand that he is now flying faster and using less fuel than anyone else but at considerably higher altitudes. And it got worse. Later I worked with 'the terrible twins', Ulf Englebrecht who is now arranging charter flights in heaven, and my lost friend Curt Hansson.

Charter was my life and as those in the charter business in those days, and we are now talking about the golden sixties, were the niggers in the wood pile, I decided to make the world my playground rather than limiting myself to Sweden. I have never looked back. I have enjoyed working in aviation in the USA, Australia, Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Singapore, Papua New Guinea, Greenland, Brunei, Finland, Denmark, Ireland, and England. I agree with Louis Armstrong - 'What a wonderful world'.

I just wonder if there are any other ex Osterman Air Charter and Internord veterans out there. It would be nice to get in touch again.

Postat: 21 apr 2008, 15:41
av Fredric Lagerquist
Hej Erik,

Tror att Kurre Hansson är medlem i SFF. Hans son lär jobba på BAM, kan försöka nå honom via deras website:


We have contact!

Postat: 22 apr 2008, 11:13
av Erik Johansson
Hej Freidric,

You were quite right. Curt's son works for BAM and he gave me Kurres telephone number. Absolutely wonderful to have made the contact again.

Many thanks for your help, Fredric. Much appreciated.
