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Vad hände med det försvunna planet?

Postat: 12 maj 2012, 08:34
av Mats Averkvist
LONDON, Wednesday.

The twin jet single-seater Gloster Meteor, the world's fastest plane, mysteriously vanished from an R.A.F. station and is believed to have been stolen. A search is being made throughout Britain and the Continent for the missing machine, says the'"Daily Mail," which reports that the alarm was raised at-12.10 p.m. on Monday night, by which lime a fog had settled down over many southern airfields. ?
The Meteor was stationed at Molesworth in Huntingshire, and when the plane was reporled missing a parade 'was held whiclï' disclosed that a sergeant-pilot was also missing.
" Experts said that it could no1 be flown for more than an al an isolated spot, t
It is' believed that it could not be flown for more than an hour even with fuel tanks full andt could not have covered more than 500 miles, .. ... 40,8362185
Se också tidskriften Vingar nr. 5/1945.

Vad hände med planet? Kom det tillrätta igen?

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